
Market Makers

way or another, Europe is going to get their pound of flesh from companies like Apple and Google.

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What the FLoC?

best and brightest minds in technology, would be the most vibrant and innovative companies in the world. Yet, a couple of recent reports reveal that their lead may be slipping. 

Facebook is a $100 billion/year advertising company that has no problem using AI and algorithms to create incredibly accurate profiles of every single user.  Yet, they cannot make the AI accurate enough so as not to mislabel people as primates?

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Guilt by Association

Google Maps is a very convenient navigational tool used by millions around the world however, this ‘free’ tool comes at a potentially very high price. The convenience of having a phone with built-in GPS allows you to find your way around an unfamiliar city while on vacation, but it can also land you in hot water if police execute a geo-fence warrant – and your phone happens to be on the list.

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To Compete or not to Compete

As early as 2008, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook famously declared that “it is better to buy than to compete.” With Zuckerberg already on record as a big fan of anti-competitive behaviour four years earlier than the Instagram purchase, why did the FTC give its blessing to the transaction?

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Are contact tracing apps a time bomb for civil liberties violations?

You didn’t install it. Apple and Google did it for you. According to the BBC, COVID-19 contact tracing is now baked into iOS and Android operating systems. This new functionality alerts…

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Who Owns your Digital Identity?

Throughout our lives, we are required to show ID (e.g., birth certificate, driver’s license, passport) to identify ourselves—to prove our true identity. We consider those documents valuable—we make sure they…

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It can’t get any worse can it?

I’m depressed.  Google controls all the search data on the planet, essentially making the Internet their private network.  They own 1.5 billion people’s email with Gmail  and 1 billion people’s documents and pictures are…

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Who invited the 800-pound Gorilla?

When value is not as it seems Web portals like Alta Vista and Netscape were great but it was the search engine that really kicked things off, and screwed things…

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How much does Google know about you? Here’s how to find out!

Google is watching you. It’s how they make their money. In fact, the more they watch you, the more they can monetize your data. But how much do they know…

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The Decentralists – Hot Topix: Store Wars

On this episode of The Decentralists, we are talking about a literal Epic—as in, Epic Games’ antitrust battle against Apple and Google.

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